MCV4U: Schedule & Handouts
 Online Activities During School Closure


Assigned Activities

 April 6th - 10th

1) Watch this introduction video from Mr. Elliott.

2)  Access our course's new VLE (virtual learning environment) here. This site will be used for assignment submission and online quizzes. 

3)  Complete Assignment 2   (not graded)

4) Check the solutions to Assignment 2 (Under Solutions menu option to the left)

5) Complete the Unit 3 Review

6) Go to and create an account. Find the green Calculus and Vectors textbook. We will use this for the Vectors portion of the course. 

Unit 3 Test is available to complete here.  Check your email for more information. Email me your solutions by Tuesday April 14th (end of day). 

Starting next week we will begin looking at Curve Sketching.  This material is from Chapter 4 of your textbook.  You can also watch some lessons online here. (select Curve Sketching). I will be creating my own lessons on this topic as well. 

That concludes this week's activities. 

Week of April 13th - 17th

1) Complete the Unit 3 Test from above (end of day Tuesday). Email me with your solutions. 

2) Complete a lesson on Turning Points  as the first part of our curve sketching unit.
      -here is the handout for you to work through.

      -here are the solutions to the examples (check these!)

      -questions from your textbook are on the handout as well for you.

3) Complete a lesson on The Second Derivative and complete assigned problems  
      -here is a YouTube lesson:  

      -here are the notes from the video.

      -here are the assigned problems

4) Complete the lesson and assigned work on An Algorithm for Curve Sketching. In this lesson you can look at the examples I've already completed, with a YouTube video explaining some of the concepts.

      -here are the examples and assigned work

      -here is the YouTube video: 

The assigned problems from the last lesson may take a while to complete. Once you have finished them that is the completion of this unit.  An online test/assignment will need to be completed by Tuesday April 21st (4pm at the latest) in order to be part of your mid term report card mark.

Week of April 20th - 24th

1) Unit 4 - Curve Sketching - Review Questions (check Solutions section for full solutions to graphs)

2) Complete Unit 4 Assignment and email to Mr. Elliott

3) Complete this lesson on the Extreme Value Theorem
Week of April 27th - May 1st 1) Complete a lesson on the Chain Rule. 
     a) Here is a link to the video:

     b) Here is a blank handout for the lesson if you want it. 

     c) Here are the completed notes from the video.

     d) Complete text page 96 #2ad, 5b and page 258 #1ijk, 3bjn

2) Complete a lesson on Implicit Differentiation.   

     a) Here is a link to the video:

     b) Here is a blank  handout for the lesson.

     c) Here are the completed notes from the video. 

     d) Complete text page 111 #1eghi, 3acg, 6, 7

I made a very small error on the last example in the 2nd lesson (apologies). 

Check the SOLUTIONS page (look at left menu) to find solutions to some of the homework questions above.

That's it for this week!
 Week of May 4th - May 8th 1) Complete a lesson on optimization. 

     a) Here is a link to the video:

     b) Here are the sample problems and assigned problems to complete

     c) Here are the completed notes from the lesson.

     d) Check the Solutions page (link to the left) to find full solutions to               almost all assigned problems.

2) Complete some review problems. 

    a) Here are the problems. 

   b) Check our Solutions page for full solutions to most of these.

   c) Expect another assignment early next week.

3) Be sure to check your O365 email if you have not already!

That is it for this week!
 Week of May 11th - May 15th  1) Complete your next Assignment. (individually).   
       You must email it to me by Friday May 15th at 5pm.  

We are beginning a unit on Lines and Planes

2) Complete Lesson 1 - Vector and Parametric Equations of Lines
    a) Here is a blank handout for the lesson. (including online textbook              questions for you to complete)

    b) Here is a link to the YouTube video:

    c) Here are the completed notes from the video

3) Complete Lesson 2 - Symmetric and Scalar Equations of Lines

    a) Here is a blank handout for the lesson (including assigned problems)

    b) Here is a link to the YouTube video:

   c) Here are the completed notes from the lesson. 

 Week of May 19th - 22nd  1)  Complete a lesson on the Intersection of 2 Lines

     a) Here is a blank handout

     b) Link to the YouTube video:

     c) Here are the completed notes from the lesson. 

    d) Complete text (online version) page 497 #8, 10

2) Complete a lesson on Equations of Planes

    a) Here is a blank handout (with assigned problems)

    b) Link to the  YouTube video:

    c) Here are the completed notes from the lesson.  
Week of May 25th - May 29th  1) Complete a lesson on the Intersection of a Line and a Plane and the Intersection of 2 Planes.

      a) Here is a blank handout

      b) Link to the YouTube video:

      c) Here are the completed notes from the lesson.

      d) Complete text (online version) page 497 #4a, 5a, 7
                                                     and page 517 #6,7,8,9 

2) Complete this assignment and email your solutions to Mr. Elliott by Monday June 1st, 5pm.  

 Week of June 1st - June 5th There is only lesson to complete this week.  This lesson is important and will take a while.  (Usually 2 or 3 classes). Start early and take your time.

a) Here is a blank handout

b) Link to the YouTube video:

c) Completed notes from the lesson.

d) Worksheet to complete. (full solutions are under SOLUTIONS section of this web page). 
 Week of June 8th - June 12th  1) Complete a short assignment on Intersection of 3 Planes. This assignment is due on Monday June 15th by 9AM. 

2) Complete a lesson on Euler's Number and Natural Logarithms

   a) Here is a blank handout.

   b) Link to the YouTube video:

   c) Completed notes from the lesson

   d) Worksheet for you to complete. 
 Week of June 15th - June 19th 1) Complete a lesson on logarithmic differentiation. 
   a) Here is a blank handout for the lesson.

   b) Link to the YouTube video:

   c) Complete notes from the lesson. 

   d) Complete questions #1,2,3acdghi, 7, 10 from this worksheet. (check under solutions for full solutions to some questions).

2) Complete this assignment and email it to Mr. Elliott by Tuesday June 23rd at noon. (no late assignments can be accepted). 
 Week of June 22nd - 25th  1) Complete your last assignment by Tuesday June 23rd at noon.

2) Here is a handout outlining some Calculus topics we did not have time to cover this year. These are optional lessons you could look at this week or anytime this summer.  If you have any questions I'm happy to assist all summer.

previous units

Unit 3 - Introduction to Calculus

Lesson 1

Date: Thursday March 5th

Topic: Limits


handout (with notes)

Related Links:

Lesson 2

Date: Friday March 6th

Topic: The Derivative


handout (with notes)

related link:

Lesson 3

Date: Monday March 9th

Topic: Power Rule

handout (with notes)

related link:
 Lesson 4

Date: Tuesday March 10th

Topic: More Power Rule

handout (with notes)
Lesson 5

Date: Wed. March 11th

Topic: Product Rule 

handout (with notes)

related link:
Lesson 6

Date: Thursday March 12th

Topic: Power Rule meets Product Rule

 note (from previous year)

text page 70 #6a-d, 7h-d, 8
page 79 #2fg, 5e-h

Assignment 2 (due Wed. March 25th)
 Lesson 7

Date: Friday March 13th.

Topic: Quotient Rule

handout (with notes)

previous units

Unit 2 - Vector Operation

Lesson 1

Date: Friday Feb. 14

Topic: The Dot Product


Handout (with notes)

Related Link:

Lesson 2

Date: Wed. Feb. 19th

Topic: Properties of the Dot Product 


Handout (with notes)

 Lesson 3

Date: Thurs. Feb. 20th

Topic: Cross Product

handout (with notes)

related link:

Assignment 1
 Date: Monday Feb. 24th Assignment work period
Lesson 4

Date: Tuesday Feb. 25th

Topic: Vector Projections, Work & Torque


handout (with notes)

related link:
Lesson 5

Date: Wednesday Feb. 26th

Topic: Properties of the Cross Product

handout (with notes)
Date: Thursday Feb. 27th and Monday March 1st

 review problems

Assignment 1 (due Monday)

Unit 1 - Introduction to Vectors: Geometric & Algebraic Vectors

Lesson 1

Date: Monday Feb. 3rd. 

Topic: Introduction to Vectors (Geometric)

course outline


Handout (with notes)

Related Link:

Lesson 2

Date: Tuesday Feb. 4th

Topic: Vector Addition


handout (with notes)

Related Link:

 Lesson 3

Date: Wed. Feb. 5th

Topic: Properties of Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication

handout (with notes)
 Lesson 4

Date: Thurs. Feb. 6th

Ambiguity with Geometric Vectors
Velocity as a Vector

handout (with notes)

related link:
Lesson 5

Date: Friday Feb. 7th

Topic: Algebraic Vectors

handout (with notes)

related links:
 Lesson 6

Date: Monday Feb. 10th

Topic: Operations with Algebraic Vectors

handout (with notes)

related link:
 Lesson 7

Date: Tuesday Feb. 11th

Topic: Forces & Tension

handout (with notes)

 Date: Wednesday Feb. 12th

Review Day
Unit 1 Review Problems