Code of Conduct

Saugeen District Senior School Code of Conduct

Royals Lion Mascot 

The SDSS code is consistent with Ministry and Board policies and is reviewed annually as a function of our Safe Schools Committee, which includes representation from students, parents/guardians, teachers, school administrators and the community. The code will apply consistently to the behaviours of all students, staff and visitors on school property, on buses and at school-sponsored functions.

At SDSS, we believe that students have a responsibility for doing things right and that it is the job of parents/guardians as well all school staff members to help students behave appropriately.

Students should note that what constitutes acceptable behaviour at SDSS might be different from what is acceptable elsewhere. Whether in the classroom, in the halls or on the school grounds, students are expected to respect themselves, respect others, and respect their environment. Ways that you can demonstrate this through positive behaviour include:

  • Appreciating the opinions, beliefs, customs and diversity of others regardless of race, creed, ethnic background or individual ability
  • Acting in a kind, polite and helpful manner to others (saying please and thank you, holding the door for another individual, for example)
  • Using appropriate language (avoiding swearing or hurtful comments, regulating your tone of voice, body language and facial expressions)
  • Keeping your hands off other people and their possessions
  • Cleaning up after yourself, taking ownership of your materials including your garbage, and putting waste in the appropriate places
  • Working hard always to achieve your maximum potential
  • Cooperating with others to help them succeed
  • Taking responsibility for your own actions (admitting when you have made a mistake and accepting help, direction and/or consequences)
  • Acting with maturity and being a positive role model

Students who have trouble demonstrating these expectations will be taught how to do better. If their actions have offended, injured or negatively impacted another, they will be expected to make the situation right, with or without the assistance of school staff. Learning how to behave properly takes a lot of time and effort, and as such we at SDSS believe that our grade 11 and 12 students should be the best behaved. It is in accordance with this belief that some privileges, like responsibilities, will increase with age and grade level. In addition to the list of positive behaviours on the previous page, students have specific expectations of their behaviour in the following areas:

 Classrooms: Students are to arrive at class on time and be prepared to work. Within the classroom, students are expected to follow the instructions of their teachers and stay focused on assigned tasks. Students are expected to stand for O’Canada and sit quietly during morning announcements. At the end of the class, students are dismissed by their teacher and not the bell.

Electronic devices are expected to be off and away unless a teacher gives permission to use them for educational purposes. Elementary students are not allowed to have electronics in class or on the yard. They are only allowed to have electronics in the classroom with their teachers’ permission.  Elementary students store their personal belongings in their lockers.  Secondary students will not have lockers and will keep their personal belongings with them in the classroom.

Hallways: Students are expected to walk quietly and in an orderly fashion in the hallways, following all directional arrows. Students in the hallways during morning announcements are expected to stop and stand at attention for O’Canada.  Students are not to eat and drink while walking or loiter in the hallways.  If secondary students have a spare they are to work in the library or the cafeteria when in the building. 

School Grounds: Play on the schoolyard should reflect the list of positive behaviours listed above. No student should throw snowballs or use sticks or stones in any capacity while at school.  

 Students who need support in achieving the school expectations will be counselled by a staff member, possibly a school administrator. When assigning sanctions or consequences for student behaviour, a progressive discipline model will be utilized, and mitigating circumstances will be taken into consideration. Sanctions may include a discussion with a staff member, an apology, a detention with tutorial supports, the removal of privileges, withdrawal from class, the implementation of a contract, or a suspension in or out of school. A school behaviour incident form may be sent home to be signed and returned by your parents and/or guardians. For severe infractions, a student may be expelled.


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